How Rare is a 426 Hemi? The Rarest Hemi Car Models Produced
Many people like to talk about the rarity of a particular car model or engine option. This is especially true discussing the iconic 426 Hemi engine. How rare is a 426 Hemi?
During the 426 Hemi’s production, only 0.7% of the car models which offered the engine as an option were produced with the 426 Hemi.
- 13 car models, from 1966 to 1971, offered the street 426 Hemi as an option. Those 13 models produced a total of 1,396,755 cars. Only 9,778 of the total were produced with a 426 Hemi engine (.7%).
Those production numbers make the 426 Hemi pretty rare. This article breaks down the production numbers by car model for all years and each particular year. In addition, I’ll examine how rare a Hemi car is by percentage or frequency per every number of cars.
How Rare is a 426 Hemi?
There is multiple different ways to measure the rarity of the famous Mopar engine. This article will focus on the total production and frequency of each car model. It doesn’t break down each model by transmission, color, hardtop, etc., only by Hemi engine.
I’ll examine each model by all years and each individual year the engine was produced. The article will include total numbers and percentages, including the rarity within each car model itself.
Race Hemi engines and cars were not included. The following statistics are for the street Hemi engine only. Check my article, 426 Hemi Production Numbers: Street and Race, for race Hemi stats.
The Rarest 426 Hemi Car Models: All Years Combined
The following chart indicates the total number of each car model, starting with the rarest, produced with the 426 Hemi. It includes all years combined.
- The Dodge Charger 500 car model produced the least number of cars, 60, with the Hemi engine.
Vehicle Model | Quantity Produced With a 426 Hemi (1966-1971) |
Dodge Charger 500 | 60 |
Dodge Daytona | 70 |
Plymouth Superbird | 135 |
Dodge Challenger R/T | 427 |
Dodge Super Bee | 441 |
Dodge Coronet R/T | 633 |
Plymouth Belvedere | 683 |
Dodge Coronet | 746 |
Plymouth ‘Cuda | 781 |
Plymouth Satellite | 850 |
Dodge Charger R/T | 1,461 |
Plymouth GTX | 1,477 |
Plymouth Road Runner | 2,014 |
All Models | Total: 9,778 |
The top three very rare models in the list were only offered for one year. Of course this helped them top the list.
Rare Car Models for One Year
The following chart indicates the least number of model cars produced with the street Hemi in one year.
- In 1968, the Dodge Coronet produced the least number of cars, 2, with the Hemi engine in any one year.
Vehicle Model | Least Number Produced With a 426 Hemi (1 Year Only) |
1968 Dodge Coronet | 2 |
1967 Dodge Coronet | 3 |
1967 Plymouth Belvedere | 6 |
1967 Plymouth Satellite | 6 |
1970 Dodge Coronet R/T | 14 |
1971 Dodge Super Bee | 22 |
1971 Plymouth GTX | 30 |
1970 Dodge Super Bee | 36 |
1971 Plymouth Road Runner | 55 |
1969 Dodge Charger 500 | 60 |
1971 Dodge Charger R/T | 63 |
1969 Dodge Daytona | 70 |
1971 Dodge Challenger R/T | 71 |
1970 Plymouth GTX | 72 |
The Rarest Year for 426 Hemi Engines Produced
- The rarest year for cars produced with a 426 Hemi engine is 1971. A total of 356 was produced by all the car models.
The following chart indicates the number of Hemi engines produced in each year starting with the most uncommon (most rare).
Year | 426 Hemi Engines Produced |
1971 | 356 |
1967 | 1,136 |
1970 | 1,543 |
1969 | 1,724 |
1968 | 2,289 |
1966 | 2,730 |
All Years | 9,778 |
The Rarest Percentage of Hemi Engines Produced for One Car Model
A rare Hemi car can be determined by a percentage (frequency) instead of total production numbers.
Percentage and production figures are two different statistics. The lowest production car may not be the lowest percentage for its model, year or production run.
One way to determine this is by examining one particular car model, year or for the six year Hemi production run.
For example, pick one car model (’66 Charger) offering a 426 Hemi option and determine how many of those cars were produced for the year (37,344). Divide the total number of Hemi engines produced (468) by the total number of cars produced (37,344) in the same year.
The answer is 1.25%. This means 1.25% of all Chargers produced in 1966 came with the 426 Hemi.
Here’s another way to look at it. Let’s say one hundred 1966 Chargers are lined up. On average you would find a Hemi approximately every 80 cars.
Even though the 1966 Charger had the least number of Hemi engines produced for the 1966 year, it didn’t have the least percentage. It was the ’66 Coronet which had the least percentage of hemi engines per every 100 cars, less than one. On average you’d have to line up approximately 338 Coronets before finding one with a Hemi.
The table below indicates the lowest percentage (frequency) of Hemi engines by total production number, per model, in one year.
- The 1968 Dodge Coronet only produced one 426 Hemi every 89,300 Coronet cars produced.
Year/Model | Total Quantity Produced | % of 426 Hemi Produced | Freq. of 426 Hemi |
1968 Dodge Coronet | 178,600 | .001% | 1 Hemi every 89,300 cars |
1967 Dodge Coronet | 149,583 | .002% | 1 Hemi every 49,861 cars |
1967 Plymouth Belvedere | 115,702 | .005% | 1 Hemi every 19,284 cars |
1967 Plymouth Satellite | 32,378 | .018% | 1 Hemi every 5,396 cars |
1970 Dodge Super Bee | 15,506 | .23% | 1 Hemi every 431 cars |
1970 Plymouth Road Runner | 41,484 | .37% | 1 Hemi every 273 cars |
1971 Plymouth Road Runner | 14,218 | .39% | 1 Hemi every 258 cars |
1971 Dodge Super Bee | 5,054 | .43% | 1 Hemi every 230 cars |
1966 Plymouth Belvedere | 151,124 | .44% | 1 Hemi every 223 cars |
1970 Dodge Coronet R/T | 2,615 | .53% | 1 Hemi every 187 cars |
Percentage by Year: All Dodge and Plymouth Models Combined
The same frequency of Hemi engines (1 every number of cars) can be determined for each year.
This can be accomplished by using two figures. One, the total number of cars produced of every car model a Hemi was available in. Two, the total number of Hemi engines produced for the year.
The following table indicates the frequency, starting with the rarest, of Hemi cars for each year 1966-1971.
- 1967 is the rarest year for 426 Hemi engines produced per every hundred cars (Frequency).
Year | Total Quantity Produced | % of 426 Hemi produced | Freq. of 426 Hemi |
1967 | 335,747 | .34% | 1 Hemi every 296 cars |
1966 | 477,468 | .57% | 1 Hemi every 175 cars |
1968 | 278,121 | .82% | 1 Hemi every 121 cars |
1971 | 35,367 | 1% | 1 Hemi every 99 cars |
1969 | 155,011 | 1.1% | 1 Hemi every 90 cars |
1970 | 114,771 | 1.3% | 1 Hemi every 74 cars |
It’s interesting to note the percentage of Hemi cars by model increased in later years even though the overall production numbers decreased.
This is so because in the early years a Hemi could be ordered for a grocery getter. Grandma was likely to order a Coronet but not with a Hemi.
In the later years it was only available in the sport models. Therefore, somebody ordering a R/T would be more likely to check off the Hemi option.
The Rarest Hemi Models by Production and Percentages Per Year
1966 Hemi Cars
By production numbers, the rarest Hemi car for 1966 is the Dodge Charger.
- In 1966, 468 Dodge Chargers were produced with a 426 Hemi.
Of the 2,730 Hemi cars produced in 1966, the following are the percentages, starting with the rarest, of each car model:
- 17% were Dodge Chargers
- 25% were Plymouth Belvederes
- 27% were Dodge Coronets
- 31% were Plymouth Satellites
In 1966, 4 models offered the Hemi as an option.
- Of the 4 models, a total of 477,468 cars was produced, 2,730 with a Hemi.
- 0.57% of the Hemi optioned cars produced in 1966 were Hemi cars.
Year & Model | Total Quantity Produced | Quantity of 426 Hemi Produced |
1966 Dodge Charger | 37,344 | 468 |
1966 Plymouth Belvedere | 151,124 | 677 |
1966 Dodge Coronet | 250,842 | 741 |
1966 Plymouth Satellite | 38,158 | 844 |
All Models | Total: 477,468 | Total: 2,730 |
The rarest Hemi car for its particular model in 1966 is the Dodge Coronet.
- 0.29% of all 1966 Dodge Coronets were produced with a 426 Hemi.
Year & Model | Total Quantity Produced | Percentage of 426 Hemi Produced |
1966 Dodge Coronet | 250,842 | 0.29% |
1966 Plymouth Belvedere | 151,124 | 0.44% |
1966 Dodge Charger | 37,344 | 1.25% |
1966 Plymouth Satellite | 38,158 | 2.21% |
All Models | 477,468 | 0.57% |
1967 Hemi Cars
By production numbers, the rarest Hemi car for 1967 is the Dodge Coronet.
- In 1967, 3 Dodge Coronets were produced with a 426 Hemi.
Of the 1,136 Hemi cars produced in 1967, the following are the percentages, starting with the rarest, of each car model:
- 0.26% were Dodge Coronets
- 0.52% were Plymouth Belvederes
- 0.52% were Plymouth Satellites
- 10.4% were Dodge Chargers
- 25% were Dodge Coronet R/Ts
- 63.3% were Plymouth GTXs
In 1967, 6 models were produced with the Hemi.
- Of the 6 models, a total of 335,747 cars was produced, 1,136 with a Hemi.
- 0.34% of the Hemi optioned cars produced in 1967 were Hemi cars.
Year & Model | Total Quantity Produced | Quantity of 426 Hemi Produced |
1967 Dodge Coronet | 149,583 | 3 |
1967 Plymouth Belvedere | 115,702 | 6 |
1967 Plymouth Satellite | 32,378 | 6 |
1967 Dodge Charger | 15,788 | 118 |
1967 Dodge Coronet R/T | 10,181 | 283 |
1967 Plymouth GTX | 12,115 | 720 |
All Models | Total: 335,747 | Total: 1,136 |
The rarest Hemi car for its particular model in 1967 is the Dodge Coronet.
- .002% of all 1967 Dodge Coronets were produced with a 426 Hemi.
Year & Model | Total Quantity Produced | Percentage of 426 Hemi Produced |
1967 Dodge Coronet | 149,583 | .002% |
1967 Plymouth Belvedere | 115,702 | .005% |
1967 Plymouth Satellite | 32,378 | .018% |
1967 Dodge Charger | 15,788 | .747% |
1967 Dodge Coronet R/T | 10,181 | 2.779% |
1967 Plymouth GTX | 12,115 | 5.943% |
All Models | 335,747 | 0.34% |
1968 Hemi Cars
By production numbers, the rarest Hemi car for 1968 is the Dodge Coronet.
- In 1968, 2 Dodge Coronets were produced with a 426 Hemi.
Of the 2,289 Hemi cars produced in 1968, the following are the percentages, starting with the rarest, of each car model:
- .09% were Dodge Coronets
- 5.46% were Dodge Super Bees
- 10% were Dodge Coronet R/Ts
- 19.49% were Plymouth GTXs
- 20.44% were Dodge Charger R/Ts
- 44.52% were Plymouth Road Runners
In 1968, 6 models were produced with the Hemi.
- Of the 6 models, a total of 278,121 cars was produced, 2,289 with a Hemi.
- 0.82% of the Hemi optioned cars produced in 1968 were Hemi cars.
Year & Model | Total Quantity Produced | Quantity of 426 Hemi Produced |
1968 Dodge Coronet | 178,600 | 2 |
1968 Dodge Super Bee | 7,844 | 125 |
1968 Dodge Coronet R/T | 10,849 | 229 |
1968 Plymouth GTX | 18,940 | 446 |
1968 Dodge Charger R/T | 17,584 | 468 |
1968 Plymouth Road Runner | 44,304 | 1,019 |
All Models | Total: 278,121 | Total: 2,289 |
The rarest Hemi car for its particular model in 1968 is the Dodge Coronet.
- 0.001% of all 1968 Dodge Coronets were produced with a 426 Hemi.
Year & Model | Total Quantity Produced | Percentage of 426 Hemi Produced |
1968 Dodge Coronet | 178,600 | 0.001% |
1968 Dodge Super Bee | 7,844 | 1.6% |
1968 Dodge Coronet R/T | 10,849 | 2.1% |
1968 Plymouth GTX | 18,940 | 2.3% |
1968 Plymouth Road Runner | 44,304 | 2.3% |
1968 Dodge Charger R/T | 17,584 | 2.6% |
All Models | 278,121 | 0.82% |
1969 Hemi Cars
By production numbers, the rarest Hemi car for 1969 is the Dodge Charger 500.
- In 1969, 60 Dodge Charger 500s were produced with a 426 Hemi.
Of the 1,724 Hemi cars produced in 1969, the following are the percentages, starting with the rarest, of each car model:
- 3.48% were Dodge Charger 500s
- 4.06% were Dodge Daytonas
- 6.20% were Dodge Coronet R/Ts
- 12.12% were Plymouth GTXs
- 13.46% were Dodge Charger R/Ts
- 14.97% were Dodge Super Bees
- 45.71% were Plymouth Road Runners
In 1969, 7 models were produced with the Hemi.
- Of the 7 models, a total of 155,011 cars was produced, 1,724 with a Hemi.
- 1.1% of the Hemi optioned cars produced in 1969 were Hemi cars.
Year & Model | Total Quantity Produced | Quantity of 426 Hemi Produced |
1969 Dodge Charger 500 | 580 | 60 |
1969 Dodge Daytona | 503 | 70 |
1969 Dodge Coronet R/T | 7,238 | 107 |
1969 Plymouth GTX | 15,602 | 209 |
1969 Dodge Charger R/T | 18,776 | 232 |
1969 Dodge Super Bee | 27,892 | 258 |
1969 Plymouth Road Runner | 84,420 | 788 |
All Models | Total: 155,011 | Total: 1,724 |
The rarest Hemi car for its particular model in 1969 is the Dodge Super Bee.
- 0.92% of all 1969 Dodge Super Bees were produced with a 426 Hemi.
Year & Model | Total Quantity Produced | Percentage of 426 Hemi Produced |
1969 Dodge Super Bee | 27,892 | 0.92% |
1969 Plymouth Road Runner | 84,420 | 0.93% |
1969 Dodge Charger R/T | 18,776 | 1.23% |
1969 Plymouth GTX | 15,602 | 1.34% |
1969 Dodge Coronet R/T | 7,238 | 1.48% |
1969 Dodge Charger 500 | 580 | 10.34% |
1969 Dodge Daytona | 503 | 13.92% |
All Models | 155,011 | 1.11% |
1970 Hemi Cars
By production numbers, the rarest Hemi car for 1970 is the Dodge Coronet R/T.
- In 1970, 14 Dodge Coronet R/Ts were produced with a 426 Hemi.
Of the 1,543 Hemi cars produced in 1970, the following are the percentages, starting with the rarest, of each car model:
- 0.91% were Dodge Coronet R/Ts
- 2.33% were Dodge Super Bees
- 4.67% were Plymouth GTXs
- 7.26% were Dodge Charger R/Ts
- 8.75% were Plymouth Superbirds
- 9.85% were Plymouth Road Runners
- 23.07% were Dodge Challenger R/Ts
- 43.16% were Plymouth ‘Cudas
In 1970, 8 models were produced with the Hemi.
- Of the 8 models, a total of 114,771 cars was produced, 1,543 with a Hemi.
- 1.34% of the Hemi optioned cars produced in 1970 were Hemi cars.
Year & Model | Total Quantity Produced | Quantity of 426 Hemi Produced |
1970 Dodge Coronet R/T | 2,615 | 14 |
1970 Dodge Super Bee | 15,506 | 36 |
1970 Plymouth GTX | 7,748 | 72 |
1970 Dodge Charger R/T | 10,337 | 112 |
1970 Plymouth Superbird | 1,935 | 135 |
1970 Plymouth Road Runner | 41,484 | 152 |
1970 Dodge Challenger R/T | 19,938 | 356 |
1970 Plymouth ‘Cuda | 15,208 | 666 |
All Models | Total: 114,771 | Total: 1,543 |
The rarest Hemi car for its particular model in 1970 is the Dodge Super Bee.
- 0.23% of all 1970 Dodge Super Bees were produced with a 426 Hemi.
Year & Model | Total Quantity Produced | Percentage of 426 Hemi Produced |
1970 Dodge Super Bee | 15,506 | 0.23% |
1970 Plymouth Road Runner | 41,484 | 0.37% |
1970 Dodge Coronet R/T | 2,615 | 0.53% |
1970 Plymouth GTX | 7,748 | 0.93% |
1970 Dodge Charger R/T | 10,337 | 1.08% |
1970 Dodge Challenger R/T | 19,938 | 1.78% |
1970 Plymouth ‘Cuda | 15,208 | 4.38% |
1970 Plymouth Superbird | 1,935 | 6.98% |
All Models | Total: 114,771 | Total: 1.34% |
1971 Hemi Cars
By production numbers, the rarest Hemi car for 1971 is the Dodge Super Bee.
- In 1971, 22 Dodge Super Bees were produced with a 426 Hemi.
Of the 356 Hemi cars produced in 1971, the following are the percentages, starting with the rarest, of each car model:
- 6.18% were Dodge Super Bees
- 8.43% were Plymouth GTXs
- 15.45% were Plymouth Road Runners
- 17.70% were Dodge Charger R/Ts
- 19.94% were Dodge Challenger R/Ts
- 32.30% were Plymouth ‘Cudas
In 1971, 6 car models were produced with the Hemi.
- Of the 6 models, a total of 35,637 cars was produced, 356 with a Hemi.
- 1% of the Hemi optioned cars produced in 1971 were Hemi cars.
Year & Model | Total Quantity Produced | Quantity of 426 Hemi Produced |
1971 Dodge Super Bee | 5,054 | 22 |
1971 Plymouth GTX | 2,942 | 30 |
1971 Plymouth Road Runner | 14,218 | 55 |
1971 Dodge Charger R/T | 3,118 | 63 |
1971 Dodge Challenger R/T | 4,630 | 71 |
1971 Plymouth ‘Cuda | 5,675 | 115 |
All Models | Total: 35,637 | Total: 356 |
We always hear about the rarity of the convertible, especially the Plymouth Cuda. As a model, the ‘Cuda produced the most in ’70 and ’71.
The rarest Hemi car for its particular model in 1971 is the Plymouth Road Runner.
- 0.39% of all 1971 Plymouth Road Runners were produced with a 426 Hemi.
Year & Model | Total Quantity Produced | Percentage of 426 Hemi Produced |
1971 Plymouth Road Runner | 14,218 | 0.39% |
1971 Dodge Super Bee | 5,054 | 0.43% |
1971 Plymouth GTX | 2,942 | 1.02% |
1971 Dodge Challenger R/T | 4,630 | 1.53% |
1971 Dodge Charger R/T | 3,118 | 2.02% |
1971 Plymouth ‘Cuda | 5,675 | 2.03% |
All Models | Total: 35,637 | Total: 1% |
If you have any questions about how rare a 426 Hemi is, posts or more information you’d like to contribute, send us an email found specifically on our contact page
For the past 40 years, I’ve been studying and researching the rarity and production numbers of muscle cars like the Hemi. I’ve studied production numbers, read books, articles, magazines, watched videos, attended seminars, Mecum Auctions and spoken to other Mopar experts about the topic.
More Hemi Muscle Cars!
The First Year of the 426 Hemi
What Cars Had the 426 Hemi: Street and Race
Article Resources
- Google Books: Chrysler Engines 1922-1998
- Google books: How to Rebuild and Modify Chrysler 426 Hemi Engines
- Google books: The Definitive Plymouth Barracuda and Dodge Challenger Guide: 1970-1974
- MoparWiki
- Wikipedia: Chrysler Hemi Engine