413 Max Wedge Oil Pan Specs: Baffles, Pickup and Capacity

The 1962 413 Max Wedge engine has a 5-quart oil capacity and a front and rear baffle. The two baffles helps with oil control during acceleration. The oil pan uses a swinging pickup for oil transfer to the rear of the pan during acceleration and to the front during deceleration.

The 5-quart capacity is for the pan only. Oil changes when changing the filter requires another quart of oil for a total of six.

The same oil pan is used for both Max Wedge engines, Plymouth Super Stock 413 and Dodge Ramcharger 413.

Let’s take a closer look at the pan, baffles and pickup tube.

413 max wedge oil pan
A 413 Max Wedge Oil pan sold by Vans Auto

413 Max Wedge Oil Pan

The 413 Max Wedge oil pan has a larger capacity sump than the previous 413 engines. The Chrysler part number for the pan is #2402307. This oil pan is exclusive to the Max Wedge engines alone.

413 Max Wedge Oil Pan
Super Stock 413/Ramcharger 413
Part Number2402307
MaterialStamped Steel
Fastners20 bolts and washers
Oil Capacity5 quarts plus one qt. for the filter
Baffles(2) Front and Rear
Pickup3/8″ Tube with swiveling lower pickup.
Part No. 2402365
The 1962 Super Stock 413 and Ramcharger 413 oil pan specifications.

In addition to the increased capacity, a main feature of the pan is the two baffles. One baffle is located in the front and the other baffle in the rear.

Both baffles help to control the sloshing of the oil in the pan. This helps keeping as much oil as possible at the bottom so it can be picked up by the suction pipe (pickup).

The oil pan capacity was verified with the Plymouth and Dodge Max Wedge owner’s manuals, booklets and Vans Auto who sells a reproduction oil pan.

A Max Wedge Oil pan showing the front and rear baffles.
A Max Wedge Oil pan sold by Vans Auto showing the front and rear baffles

413 Max Wedge Oil Pickup

The 413 Max Wedge has a specially designed oil pickup. The bottom part of the pickup, where the strainer is located, is made to swivel.

During acceleration it swivels towards the rear of the pain with the oil. During deceleration it swivels to the front of the pan with the oil.

The part number for the oil pump suction pipe and strainer is the following:

  • 2402365
The swivel 413 Max Wedge Oil Pickup pipe and screen.
The swivel 413 Max Wedge Oil Pickup pipe and screen

The factory oil capacity stated in this article or owner’s manual may not be appropriate for your engine. Therefore, verifying how big your particular oil pan is should be a top priority.

If you have any questions about the 413 Max Wedge oil pan or pickup, send us an email found specifically on our contact page.

About 38 years ago I assembled my first Mopar engine. It’s at that time my hands on experience with Mopar engines, including the Max Wedge, started. Although my research of the engines started years earlier.

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